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About 'BE HAPPY'


Imagine being in a place where you are not allowed to be happy.

Being cheerful, smiling, laughing or showing any kindness is against the law...

Well, this is exactly what happens to Zen one day, he's seen in public smiling

and now he must face the king of the Land of Sulk!It's a meeting that both of them will never forget!


Zen has to go before the king of the land of Sulk, and be questioned about his 'happiness'. 

The king is astonished that this young boy is displaying signs of happiness despite being from the Land of Poverty, and ask Zen why is he so happy. The king explains to Zen that despite all his riches and wealth, he's been searching for happiness all his life and can't find it. He wants to know what makes Zen so happy


In the Land of Sulk, it's a crime to show any signs of happiness. They are not used to seeing anyone showing happiness in public and it's against the law in the Land of Sulk.

Zen is naturally a happy boy and always smiling, laughing, dancing and enjoying his favourite music as he goes for a walk. He's never been to the Land of Sulk before and is totally unaware of the laws there against showing signs of happiness in public. 

Did you know?

Happiness is a choice, not a result.

Happiness is a choice whether child or adult.

Your happiness will not come to you,

It can only come from you.


Nothing will make you happy...

until you choose to be happy.

No person will make you happy,

unless you decide to 'Be Happy,.

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